Greetings, basket enthusiasts and basket lovers! I recently had the wonderful opportunity to teach at the Monroe County Basket Guild—an experience that was both enriching and profoundly enjoyable. It’s a pleasure to share with you the highlights of my time there, the projects we embarked on, and the incredible people who made it all possible.

A Warm Welcome

First and foremost, I must extend my deepest gratitude to the organizers of the Monroe County Basket Guild. Their dedication and hard work in setting up this event did not go unnoticed, creating an inviting and well-organized environment for both teachers and students. Their efforts made it possible for us to dive deep into the world of basketry without a hitch.

Engaging Projects

During the sessions, I had the pleasure of teaching three unique basketry projects, each designed to challenge our skills and spark creativity among the students.

– X Marks the Spot Bracelet: 

This project was a delightful start, blending intricate weaving techniques with personal style. It was a joy to see students experiment with colors and patterns, turning simple materials into stunning bracelets. 

 – Special Quarter Basket:

This basket challenged our participants with its unique shape and utility. The attention to detail required for this basket made it a rewarding endeavor for everyone involved. The pride in the students’ eyes as they completed their baskets was truly a rewarding sight.

– Whimsical Ladder Basket:

A favorite for its playful design and practicality, teaching the Whimsical Ladder Basket was a highlight of the workshop. This project allowed for a lot of creative expression, and the results were as functional as they were charming.

Collaboration and Learning

It was an absolute pleasure to collaborate with other skilled basket weavers and teachers. Each brought their unique perspectives and techniques to the table, enriching the experience for all. The exchange of knowledge and techniques among us was a vivid reminder of the vibrant community we belong to.


A Note to Our Students

A heartfelt thank you to all the students who attended the workshops. Your enthusiasm and willingness to learn and experiment made teaching a profound joy. Watching each of you tackle the projects with eagerness and end up with beautiful creations was incredibly fulfilling for me as a teacher. You are the reason we do this, and your continued passion for basketry is what keeps this beautiful art form alive and thriving.

Looking Forward

Teaching at the Monroe County Basket Guild was an experience I will cherish. I look forward to more opportunities like this, where I can share my love for basket weaving and learn from others in the community. Let’s keep the tradition alive and weave some magic together again soon!

In closing, thank you once more to the Monroe County Basket Guild organizers, my fellow teachers, and all the students. Until we meet again, keep weaving and keep creating wonders with your hands!

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