Who says Friday the 13th has to be unlucky? For the Bluegrass Basket Guild, it was anything but! On September 13th and 14th, I had the absolute pleasure of teaching some incredibly fun and creative classes at the Bluegrass Basket Guild Basket Bonanza. We spent two days filled with laughter, learning, and, of course, lots of basket weaving!


If you’ve ever wondered if Friday the 13th is a day for bad luck, I’m here to tell you it’s the perfect day for weaving magic—especially when surrounded by passionate crafters who love to create as much as I do. Let me walk you through some of the amazing projects we worked on over the weekend!


Weaving Magic with “X Marks the Spot”

We kicked things off with X Marks the Spot, a fun and dynamic basket that challenges weavers with its intricate pattern. The crisscross design kept everyone on their toes, but the results were absolutely stunning. Watching the class bring this design to life was nothing short of inspiring. Every “X” was perfectly placed, marking the start of what turned out to be a fantastic Friday!

The “Special Quarter” Basket: Weaving with History

Next up was the Special Quarter Basket, a personal favorite of mine. This project allowed participants to create a beautiful, functional basket designed to hold—and showcase—special quarters.

Adding a Little Magic with the “Enchanting Sparkle Jar”

The Enchanting Sparkle Jar class was a highlight, as we created jars that twinkle and shine in the light. It was the perfect project for the second day, adding a touch of whimsy and magic to our weaving session. Watching the jars come together with a shimmer and shine felt like we were weaving our own luck and good fortune!

“Fun with Twills”: A Weaving Delight

Finally, we wrapped up the event with Fun with Twills. Twill patterns offer a delightful challenge, but the payoff is so rewarding. It was the perfect way to end the weekend—learning something new and having fun in the process!

A Fantastic Friday the 13th (And Saturday Too!)

Despite the date’s spooky reputation, the energy and excitement over the two days were nothing short of amazing. I always find teaching at events like the Bluegrass Basket Guild Basket Bonanza to be so rewarding. Seeing participants light up as they create something special is why I do what I do!

This year’s Bonanza was filled with friendship, creativity, and learning—proving that Friday the 13th is actually a lucky day when you’re weaving with wonderful people. I’m already looking forward to next year!

A big thank you to the Bluegrass Basket Guild and to everyone who attended. Your creativity and enthusiasm made this Bonanza truly one for the books.

Until next time, happy weaving!

Offerings of Wonder by Lorelea

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