I am incredibly grateful to the Tennessee Basket Association for selecting me to teach at their recent event in Cookeville, Tennessee. My heartfelt thanks also go out to the wonderful students who took my classes, purchased from my booth, or got their scissors sharpened by my husband, Ed. Your enthusiasm and support made the experience truly memorable.

We had an amazing four days in Cookeville, reconnecting with old friends, meeting new ones, and engaging with visitors who share our passion for basket weaving. It was a delight to see so many familiar faces and to introduce new people to the art and craft of basket making.

One of the highlights of the event was giving away a July Hoot Basket Gift Club box to one lucky winner, Candi Rawlings! Congratulations, Candi—I hope you enjoy your gift and find inspiration in your basket weaving journey.

During the event, we created several unique and beautiful baskets, each with its own story and significance:
Fun with Twills: A playful exploration of twill patterns, allowing for creativity and experimentation with designs.
Sleigh Ride with You: A festive basket reminiscent of winter sleigh rides, perfect for the holiday season.
– Love Honor and Respect: A basket symbolizing important values, crafted with care and attention to detail. 
Christmas Ornaments: A variety of charming ornaments to bring holiday cheer to any home.

Thank you once again to everyone who made this event special. We look forward to many more opportunities to share the joy of basket weaving with all of you.

Stay connected with Offerings of Wonder by Lorelea:

Thank you for being part of our basket weaving community. Your creativity and passion inspire us every day. 

Happy weaving!  


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3 thoughts on “Gratitude and Memories from Cookeville, Tennessee”

  1. Lorelea — My name is Ann, and I took a class from you MBG2023. This year, you checked in on me, while I was weaving a seagrass start for a basket while at the MBG business meeting. Thanks for that. It was a good reminder that my hands have developed their own memory, life is good when weaving, and making baskets is much better than many other things. I wish you well, and I know our paths will cross again. Take care and all the best. Have a lovely fall as it will be here very soon. — Ann McGinity

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