The second week of my travels was just as enriching and inspiring as the first, filled with friendship, teaching, and new experiences. My journey took me from the Shenandoah Valley to a quaint farm in West Virginia to the coastal beauty of Norfolk, Virginia, each location adding its own chapter to my story.

First Stop Discovering the Depths at Luray Caverns

My travels took a subterranean turn with a visit to the mesmerizing Luray Caverns in Virginia. Designated as a National Natural Landmark in 1973, these caverns offered a spectacular glimpse into the natural artistry of the underground world. Strolling through the caverns, I was captivated by the intricate formations of stalactites and stalagmites, which have been shaped over countless millennia by the slow drip of mineral-rich water. The highlight was the famous “Stalacpipe Organ,” a lithophone made from natural stalactites, producing hauntingly beautiful music that resonated through the vast chambers. This visit provided a profound appreciation for the incredible forces of nature that sculpt such wonders.

A Warm Welcome in West Virginia

My week began with a visit to the lovely farm of Anne Bowers in West Virginia. Staying with Anne and her family was a heartwarming experience. Their hospitality and the serene farm setting provided a perfect respite between my busy teaching schedule. The days spent there were filled with laughter, long conversations, and a shared appreciation for the rustic beauty surrounding us.

The My Kentucky Basket

The Arctic Snowflake

Teaching at the Tidewater Guild

From the tranquility of West Virginia, I traveled to Norfolk, Virginia, where I had the pleasure of teaching a two-day workshop with the Tidewater Guild. The members of the guild were enthusiastic and eager learners, and together we dived into the intricate art of basket weaving. Over the two days, they created several remarkable baskets:

– **The My Kentucky Basket**: A tribute to my roots, this basket features elements reminiscent of Kentucky’s rich heritage.

– **The Equalizer Tote**: Designed for both aesthetics and functionality, this tote is a testament to the balance between form and utility.

**The Arctic Snowflake**: Inspired by the delicate and unique patterns of snowflakes, this basket was a hit, especially with its intricate detailing.

**The Enchanting Sparkle Jar**: A whimsical creation, perfect for holding treasures or lighting up spaces with its playful sparkles.

Coastal Relaxation and Reflection

My host in Norfolk, Rami McKinney, made sure my stay was memorable. Apart from the engaging workshops, I enjoyed a couple of walks along the beautiful beaches of the Chesapeake Bay. The calming sound of the waves and the sandy shores were the perfect setting for reflection and rejuvenation.

Returning to Shenandoah Creates

This second week of travel not only strengthened old friendships and forged new ones but also allowed me to share my passion for basket weaving with an enthusiastic community. Each basket woven by the guild members was a story in itself, a blend of creativity, culture, and connection. I look forward to the next chapters of this journey, filled with more weaving, learning, and sharing.

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