“Weaving Through the Seasons”


In the quiet of January’s embrace,  

We began with reed and a dreamer’s mind space.  

With every twist and turn of our hands,  

We wove the year’s first stories into our plans.

Spring blossomed with colors so bright,  

Our baskets everything in sight!

Among the trees and flowers of spring,  

We wove new beginnings going back and forth like on a swing!.

Summer’s heat brought challenges anew,  

Yet in our weaving, strength and patience grew.  

With sun-kissed faces and cheerful hearts,  

Our baskets became more than mere crafts, but arts.

Autumn winds whispered secrets of old,  

As leaves turned crimson, bronze, and gold.  

We captured the essence of fall’s beauties,  

In baskets that spoke of your creative cuties.

Now, as December’s chill wraps the earth,  

We reflect on the year and our craft’s worth.  

By the fireside, with hands warmed by the flames,  

We weave our passion and sign our names.

A year of joys, sorrows, trials, and mirth,  

Mirrored in the baskets we brought to birth.  

Each a tapestry of moments so dear,  

A narrative of life’s journey, year to year.

So here’s to you, weavers, one and all,  

Who answered the year’s creative call.  

May your reed be supple, your spirits light,  

As we weave our dreams into the night.  

For in our baskets, stories entwine,  

Of a year well-lived, in design and line.  

As the year ends, let’s pause and say,  

“We’ll keep weaving dreams, come what may.”

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