Basket weaving is an art that has been passed down through the ages, and it continues to be a thriving and vibrant community today. There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of weaving a beautiful basket, and the memories that come with it are priceless. That’s why I was thrilled to be invited to teach at the Odds and Ends Basket Guild in Maryville, Tennessee. In this blog post, I will share my experience teaching at the guild and why I believe everyone should join a creative community like this.

The Odds and Ends Basket Guild is a fantastic community of weavers, and I felt lucky to be hosted by Sandra Miller and to have lunch provided by Benita Hendrickson. From the moment I arrived, I was met with lots of laughter, basket weaving, good food, and smiles. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and I couldn’t wait to get started on our class.

During the class, I taught various weaving techniques and baskets to the guild members, and we created beautiful and unique baskets together. As we wove our baskets, we shared stories and talked about how basket weaving has impacted our lives. From using baskets for storage to gifting them as presents, we all had a unique way of incorporating our woven creations into our lives.

One of the most significant benefits of joining a community like the Odds and Ends Basket Guild is the opportunity to learn and grow as a weaver. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced weaver, there is always something new to learn from others. The guild members shared different weaving techniques and provided feedback, which helped me grow as a weaver and teacher.

Another benefit is the chance to make new friends and connections. Sharing a passion for basket weaving is an instant bond, and it’s incredible to have a community of weavers who understand your love for the art.

In conclusion, the Odds and Ends Basket Guild in Maryville, Tennessee, was a fantastic experience. I had such a wonderful time teaching and learning from a vibrant community of weavers. I encourage everyone to join a creative community like this because it not only improves your skills but also connects you with new friends who share your passion. Harnessing your creativity and weaving beautiful baskets has never been as fulfilling as when you share it with others. Join a community today and let your imaginations soar.

Ready to Weave? Which one is your favorite?  

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